6 Sep 2021

Save Energy, Save the Animals, Save the Planet!

These little animal figures, made from upcycled plastic wastes, are displayed around the office and common areas as daily green reminders of small green habits that both staff and tenants can adopt. Together, we can collectively contribute to the energy conservation efforts:

Panda Save paper
Dolphin Save water
Sea Turtle Reduce and recycle plastic
Penguin Setting suitable room temperature
Polar Bear Turn off lights

Featuring youthful innovation and design, these self-assembled animal figures were designed and produced by PolyU School of Design winning team students as part of Sino Group’s summer internship programme. Made from plastic wastes collected by the Sino Property Services team, they were upcycled using a plastic shredder and compressor also previously developed with PolyU interns.

With the collaborative efforts of Sino Inno Lab, Brand & Design, and Sino Property Services teams, we are now bringing these sustainable reminders to our workplace.

When we see these lovable animals hanging out by our photocopiers, pantries, rubbish bins, air conditioning and light switches, may we always remember that creating a sustainable future starts with us and that every little green action counts.

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